Micropelt GmbH


Oliver Keilhack


0761 1563370


0761 15633721



Micropelt GmbH

Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg




Micropelt GmbH develops produces and sells applications for its patented thermoelectric and electro-magnetic harvesting devices for the B2C and B2B markets. These devices convert heat or electro-magnetic fields into electricity. Micropelt originated from a joint development project between Fraunhofer and Infineon Technologies (Siemens). Applications for these energy harvesting (EH) technologies may range from remote industrial sensing to automotive to cooling.


The first commercial application for the thermo electric generator (TEG) is an Intelligent Thermostatic Radiator Valve (iTRV) which operates in combination with industrial building automation systems or smart thermostats such as nest. Micropelt’s iTRV:
– enables smart thermostats to create ‘zones’ by establishing a wireless connection
– needs neither batteries nor cabling
– is managed remotely using a message server/gateway or by phone, tablet or computer
– replaces the traditional manual ‘hand wheel’, opens & closes radiator valves
– adapts to the desired temperature profile of individual rooms
– can easily be retrofitted onto existing radiators, without the involvement of an engineer.


The iTRV increases energy efficiency, yields significant reductions of heating costs and avoids maintenance costs of battery-powered devices.

Europe has an installed base of ca. 1 bio thermostatic valve actuators, of which 280 mio are in Germany, There is a total addressable market of more than 30 million units annually in Europe.


Art der möglichen Beteiligung

We are looking for an equity investment. Installments may be negotiated.


Mögliche bzw. gewünschte Investitions- oder Beteiligungssumme

Requested amount is 2,8 Mio €, doubled by existing investors.



With cash break even at end 2016 & in home automation markets, a multiple of at least 3 is targeted